RT @AliHShaib: #ONE Chamber to stabilize them all (sorry, could not but do such reference, #LOTR fan 🤟). We will be sharing more chambers w…
RT @AliHShaib: #ONE Chamber to stabilize them all (sorry, could not but do such reference, #LOTR fan 🤟). We will be sharing more chambers w…
RT @AliHShaib: #ONE Chamber to stabilize them all (sorry, could not but do such reference, #LOTR fan 🤟). We will be sharing more chambers w…
#ONE Chamber to stabilize them all (sorry, could not but do such reference, #LOTR fan 🤟). We will be sharing more chambers with the #ExM community (once the 3rd batch is ready). You can also get the #blueprint, for that please contact me or Silvio. ONE ht
Synapses are beautiful! New findings made possible by ONE microscopy - check the latest version of the manuscript at https://t.co/NGQaVBCBbI
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @werner_hauke: Supplemental figure 13 would deserve to be an additional paper
RT @FelipeOpaz_o: A new version of our #ONE_Mycroscopy @biorxivpreprint has tons of exciting new data. Out of all the new Figures, one of m…
RT @werner_hauke: Supplemental figure 13 would deserve to be an additional paper
RT @FelipeOpaz_o: A new version of our #ONE_Mycroscopy @biorxivpreprint has tons of exciting new data. Out of all the new Figures, one of m…
RT @werner_hauke: Supplemental figure 13 would deserve to be an additional paper
RT @FelipeOpaz_o: A new version of our #ONE_Mycroscopy @biorxivpreprint has tons of exciting new data. Out of all the new Figures, one of m…
RT @werner_hauke: Supplemental figure 13 would deserve to be an additional paper
RT @FelipeOpaz_o: A new version of our #ONE_Mycroscopy @biorxivpreprint has tons of exciting new data. Out of all the new Figures, one of m…
A new version of our #ONE_Mycroscopy @biorxivpreprint has tons of exciting new data. Out of all the new Figures, one of my favorites is Supp. Fig. 13 with a superimposition of #CryoEM and #ONE_ExM🔬 using 🦙#nanobodies! Check it out here: https://t.co/BkBxSQ
@AliHShaib @biorxivpreprint Visualizing proteins by expansion microscopy https://t.co/WGPbW8hW4f
RT @CraigJDaly: 🤯😱 Wow, this is quite a step forward.
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: Here is the first ever z-scan through 1 single protein imaged using the STELLARIS 8 at Leica Microsystems, Mannheim @LeicaMi…
RT @AliHShaib: Here is the first ever z-scan through 1 single protein imaged using the STELLARIS 8 at Leica Microsystems, Mannheim @LeicaMi…
RT @CraigJDaly: 🤯😱 Wow, this is quite a step forward.
🤯😱 Wow, this is quite a step forward.
RT @AliHShaib: Here is the first ever z-scan through 1 single protein imaged using the STELLARIS 8 at Leica Microsystems, Mannheim @LeicaMi…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: We now show you how to easily and successfully produce ONE images. We explain SRRF modalities, frame count and SNR effect, a…
Visualizing proteins by expansion microscopy | https://t.co/k1UyYyUJQP #proteomics https://t.co/svjHHtdJcC
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: Here is the first ever z-scan through 1 single protein imaged using the STELLARIS 8 at Leica Microsystems, Mannheim @LeicaMi…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: Here is the first ever z-scan through 1 single protein imaged using the STELLARIS 8 at Leica Microsystems, Mannheim @LeicaMi…
RT @AliHShaib: How precise/linear is #ExM? (2/2) Precise enough to get 9 different molecule measurements similar to their respective Cryo-E…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: How precise/linear is #ExM? (1/2) We now provide the ultimate answer: Precise enough to super-impose a ONE image with Cryo-E…
RT @AliHShaib: How precise/linear is #ExM? (1/2) We now provide the ultimate answer: Precise enough to super-impose a ONE image with Cryo-E…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: Nice new pictures of #SRRF on Origami nanorulers. Recipe👨🍳: take 1 right pixel size, add 1 correct frame count, mix with go…
RT @AliHShaib: How precise/linear is #ExM? (1/2) We now provide the ultimate answer: Precise enough to super-impose a ONE image with Cryo-E…
RT @AliHShaib: Here is the first ever z-scan through 1 single protein imaged using the STELLARIS 8 at Leica Microsystems, Mannheim @LeicaMi…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: Here is the first ever z-scan through 1 single protein imaged using the STELLARIS 8 at Leica Microsystems, Mannheim @LeicaMi…
RT @AliHShaib: As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly…
RT @AliHShaib: Nice new pictures of #SRRF on Origami nanorulers. Recipe👨🍳: take 1 right pixel size, add 1 correct frame count, mix with go…
Here is the first ever z-scan through 1 single protein imaged using the STELLARIS 8 at Leica Microsystems, Mannheim @LeicaMicro with the help of @L_AJ_Alvarez. A confocal that gives sub-molecular resolution, #POWER of Leica. Full story: https://t.co/JYO
After substantial amount of work @AliHShaib and colleagues have made a remarkable improvement of the first version! #one #expansion #microscopy #FluorescenceFriday #Science
RT @ewers_helge: When a stunning image like this is supplementary Figure 13, the paper is probably pretty good! ONE microscopy, just amazin…
RT @AliHShaib: How precise/linear is #ExM? (1/2) We now provide the ultimate answer: Precise enough to super-impose a ONE image with Cryo-E…
When a stunning image like this is supplementary Figure 13, the paper is probably pretty good! ONE microscopy, just amazing and such a clever idea.
Nice new pictures of #SRRF on Origami nanorulers. Recipe👨🍳: take 1 right pixel size, add 1 correct frame count, mix with good SNR, and cook on TRAC4 for 30 seconds. Caution: image with care, results may be addictive!😋 @HenriquesLab @LabSauer Story: htt
We now show you how to easily and successfully produce ONE images. We explain SRRF modalities, frame count and SNR effect, and labeling strategies. @LabSauer provided critical input to get here 🤟 One step closer to #democratizing super-resolution. https://
How precise/linear is #ExM? (2/2) Precise enough to get 9 different molecule measurements similar to their respective Cryo-EM structures or AlphaFold predictions. Story: https://t.co/JYOZkNOIgc #FluorescenceFriday https://t.co/8ShZ56A1m7
How precise/linear is #ExM? (1/2) We now provide the ultimate answer: Precise enough to super-impose a ONE image with Cryo-EM data 😎 @RaduAricescu and his lab made this dataset possible. Story: https://t.co/JYOZkNOIgc #FluorescenceFriday https://t.co/J9NUP
🧐😲🙄 Bassoon* what are you doing there? Very tempting for speculation… Perhaps a spinoff story… *ONE bassoon in brain tissue sections data is generated by our close friends at MIT @eboyden3 lab Combining #ONE_Microscopy with #ExR https://t.co/JYOZkNOIgc #F
As promised, we now present to you the full power of #ONE_Microscopy by describing molecular organisation of proteins. Truly, bridging the gap between fluorescence microscopy and Cryo-EM. Plus 25 more datasets… https://t.co/JYOZkNOIgc @eboyden3 @RaduArices
RT @eboyden3: Seeing pictures of the GABA receptor, otoferlin, and calmodulin -- taken on an ordinary light microscope using ONE (one nanom…
RT @eboyden3: Seeing pictures of the GABA receptor, otoferlin, and calmodulin -- taken on an ordinary light microscope using ONE (one nanom…
RT @AliHShaib: Expanding the current set of #ONE_Microscopy ideas with the Father of super-resolution @Stefan_W_Hell 👑 #ONE story: https:/…
RT @AliHShaib: Expanding the current set of #ONE_Microscopy ideas with the Father of super-resolution @Stefan_W_Hell 👑 #ONE story: https:/…
Expanding the current set of #ONE_Microscopy ideas with the Father of super-resolution @Stefan_W_Hell 👑 #ONE story: https://t.co/QXFW54KIY8 https://t.co/HLcjXbQpuP
Expansion microscopy at one nanometer resolution 🤯https://t.co/j3VRz97EcF
This is a good one: Expansion microscopy at one nanometer resolution https://t.co/zA4SfjoIyM Looking at protein structures using microscopy
RT @AliHShaib: Hello world, ONE is here... I am happy to share with you a new technology —termed #ONE_Microscopy, that allows a resolution…
Many thanks @AliHShaib for stopping by Copenhagen (albeit virtually) during the #ONE_Microscopy seminar tour. For everyone that missed the talk, find here the preprint: https://t.co/P4vrrnAa0u
Expansion microscopy at one nanometer resolution https://t.co/ExOJNFqSUx
RT @eboyden3: “Expansion microscopy at one nanometer resolution” - so fun to see the shapes of proteins, on an ordinary light microscope!
RT @AliHShaib: Have you ever wondered how @Abberior STAR635P secondary antibody look like? Here is a #ONE_Microscopy single non-averaged im…
RT @TheBowenLab: Beautiful new expansion microscopy from @AliHShaib and coworkers provides some much needed evidence that postsynapses are…
Beautiful new expansion microscopy from @AliHShaib and coworkers provides some much needed evidence that postsynapses are more than LLPS droplets. https://t.co/vdmBXDvD9i
RT @Ingvar_Santry: Biomolecules were thought to be too small to view in detail, but on August 5, a team of researchers from Germany publish…
RT @Ingvar_Santry: Biomolecules were thought to be too small to view in detail, but on August 5, a team of researchers from Germany publish…
RT @TMDSheard: Great talk by @AliHShaib describing 1 nm resolution expansion microscopy. Mind-boggling to see structure of individual prote…
RT @TMDSheard: Great talk by @AliHShaib describing 1 nm resolution expansion microscopy. Mind-boggling to see structure of individual prote…
Great talk by @AliHShaib describing 1 nm resolution expansion microscopy. Mind-boggling to see structure of individual proteins (cryoEM territory) but with a standard light microscope and 10-fold ExM gel. Angstrom level with iterative ExM (50x EF) would be
RT @PlantoPhagy: 🎗️ONE Microscopy #preprint_seminar by @AliHShaib on Tuesday at 11 am CEST. You don't wanna miss it if you are into imaging…
🎗️ONE Microscopy #preprint_seminar by @AliHShaib on Tuesday at 11 am CEST. You don't wanna miss it if you are into imaging!! DM for the zoom link.
RT @AliHShaib: I'm giving an online seminar about #ONE_Microscopy and its applications at the Vienna Biocenter on the 6th of Sep at 11:00 A…
RT @PlantoPhagy: 🗣6th of September, 11 am (CET), #Preprint_Seminar @viennabiocenter by @AliHShaib. Ali will talk about ONE Microscopy, the…
RT @PlantoPhagy: 🗣6th of September, 11 am (CET), #Preprint_Seminar @viennabiocenter by @AliHShaib. Ali will talk about ONE Microscopy, the…
RT @PlantoPhagy: 🗣6th of September, 11 am (CET), #Preprint_Seminar @viennabiocenter by @AliHShaib. Ali will talk about ONE Microscopy, the…
RT @AliHShaib: I'm giving an online seminar about #ONE_Microscopy and its applications at the Vienna Biocenter on the 6th of Sep at 11:00 A…
RT @PlantoPhagy: 🗣6th of September, 11 am (CET), #Preprint_Seminar @viennabiocenter by @AliHShaib. Ali will talk about ONE Microscopy, the…
RT @AliHShaib: I'm giving an online seminar about #ONE_Microscopy and its applications at the Vienna Biocenter on the 6th of Sep at 11:00 A…
I'm giving an online seminar about #ONE_Microscopy and its applications at the Vienna Biocenter on the 6th of Sep at 11:00 AM CET. DM the host if you would like to join. Looking forward to it!
🗣6th of September, 11 am (CET), #Preprint_Seminar @viennabiocenter by @AliHShaib. Ali will talk about ONE Microscopy, the #expansion_microscopy advance that reaches 1 nm resolution‼️ https://t.co/IXKZQIx53k DM for the zoom link if you want to join!
RT @eboyden3: Seeing pictures of the GABA receptor, otoferlin, and calmodulin -- taken on an ordinary light microscope using ONE (one nanom…
RT @eboyden3: Seeing pictures of the GABA receptor, otoferlin, and calmodulin -- taken on an ordinary light microscope using ONE (one nanom…
RT @AliHShaib: This is how the substructure of a #PSD95 nanocluster (the half of a synaptic nanocolumn) looks like. #ONE_Microscopy link: h…
RT @AliHShaib: This is how the substructure of a #PSD95 nanocluster (the half of a synaptic nanocolumn) looks like. #ONE_Microscopy link: h…
RT @AliHShaib: Hello world, ONE is here... I am happy to share with you a new technology —termed #ONE_Microscopy, that allows a resolution…
RT @AliHShaib: This is how the substructure of a #PSD95 nanocluster (the half of a synaptic nanocolumn) looks like. #ONE_Microscopy link: h…
Im here for ONE
RT @AliHShaib: This is how the substructure of a #PSD95 nanocluster (the half of a synaptic nanocolumn) looks like. #ONE_Microscopy link: h…
RT @AliHShaib: This is how the substructure of a #PSD95 nanocluster (the half of a synaptic nanocolumn) looks like. #ONE_Microscopy link: h…