A preprint on preprints: "Preprinting a pandemic: role of preprints in the #COVID19 #pandemic" https://t.co/4hW1b7Veub by @L_Brierley @Dey_Gautam @jessicapolka, et al. ...highlights "unprecedented role of preprints and preprint servers in the disseminatio
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of #preprints in the COVID-19 #pandemic https://t.co/f7XLfKsDRX
RT @olivier_pourret: Preprinting a pandemic: the role of #preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/XTIZfof3R6 #openaccess #openscien…
RT @olivier_pourret: Preprinting a pandemic: the role of #preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/XTIZfof3R6 #openaccess #openscien…
RT @olivier_pourret: Preprinting a pandemic: the role of #preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/XTIZfof3R6 #openaccess #openscien…
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of #preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/XTIZfof3R6 #openaccess #openscience
RT @gemmamilne: A preprint on preprints in the pandemic! Nice. h/t @RetractionWatch https://t.co/GnpMXRj4ZK
A preprint on preprints in the pandemic! Nice. h/t @RetractionWatch https://t.co/GnpMXRj4ZK
RT @amarjesani: Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/aLfmCSqUqC
RT @CarolynBertozzi: Very interesting analysis of #COVID-19 preprints: shared more widely, shorter, and are mostly similar to journal publi…
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/CLPHHDZodz
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
"Preprinting a Pandemic: The Role of Preprints in the COVID-19 Pandemic" | @biorxiv_pubd https://t.co/qbcsQihcjk
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
A study studying the role of preprints published in a preprint server it is studying. https://t.co/iYvQSkFvnI
RT @amarjesani: Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/aLfmCSqUqC
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/fXaCiyprH4
RT @SPARC_EU: New paper - Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic. https://t.co/qio3q0WKDs
Läs mera: https://t.co/SxUhqYlSNv
Lisää aiheesta: https://t.co/SxUhqYlSNv
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @Dey_Gautam: ICYMI: the results are in! More scientists than ever are using #preprints to share #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 research - also shor…
RT @Dey_Gautam: ICYMI: the results are in! More scientists than ever are using #preprints to share #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 research - also shor…
RT @Dey_Gautam: ICYMI: the results are in! More scientists than ever are using #preprints to share #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 research - also shor…
RT @JACoates91: 1/11 This @biorxivpreprint is the result of a joyous collaboration with @Dey_Gautam @jessicapolka @nicholasmfraser @L_Brier…
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
The scientific community has releasing over 16,000 COVID-19 related scientific articles within 4 months of the 1st conf case (6,000 were hosted by preprint servers). Preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the most tweeted htt
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/aLfmCSqUqC
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic. https://t.co/utSIjd80hB
I've seen a lot of pearl clutching about covid preprints, but I am much more concerned with some of the peer reviewed covid-related papers I've seen. Clearly rushed through to catch a wave, these *should* have been preprints if there was a need to rapidly
RT @Dey_Gautam: ICYMI: the results are in! More scientists than ever are using #preprints to share #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 research - also shor…
RT @JACoates91: 1/11 This @biorxivpreprint is the result of a joyous collaboration with @Dey_Gautam @jessicapolka @nicholasmfraser @L_Brier…
ICYMI Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic 🧵 https://t.co/0AxPqWOgBz 📰 https://t.co/vcbdcsRb1P Collaboration w/ @nicholasmfraser @L_Brierley @jessicapolka & preLights team members @JACoates91 @Dey_Gautam @mate_pa
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
@lasleh @PaivarintaSusa @Sukkola @MVirtanen @MikaLintila @aivelo ”It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the most tweeted” esittää uusi katsaus. Huom! Tämä on nyt juuri sellainen pr
ICYMI: the results are in! More scientists than ever are using #preprints to share #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 research - also shorter, reviewed faster and the public and the media are engaging with them at unprecedented scale. Next: do these behaviour changes ext
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
The metapreprint
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
A preprint on #COVID-19 preprints https://t.co/2czNhMMPaj
Cool analysis on the use of preprints during #covid19 Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/Bf3OkAvnaa
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Preprinting a pandemic: Within 4 months of the first #COVID19 case, the scientific community released > 16,000 articles o…
Metaciencia Un preprint que investiga el rol de los preprints #COVID__19 .
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/jRwn3VJQ0R
Igual que las Fake news! ⛔Los preprints con más comentarios negativos por la comunidad científica son los más twitteados ⛔El precio de NO comprender que son preliminares ⛔El riesgo de compartir información por el título y no por el contenido ⛔Otro ejem
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
RT @RetractionWatch: "It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the…
"It is also interesting to note that several preprints received negatively by the scientific community are amongst the most tweeted," write @jessicapolka et al. https://t.co/fzLsqTaVLM
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @owenboswarva: Preprinting a pandemic: the role of #preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic https://t.co/qmhqMuHvH3 | @nicholasmfraser et al…
RT @owenboswarva: Preprinting a pandemic: the role of #preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic https://t.co/qmhqMuHvH3 | @nicholasmfraser et al…
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of #preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic https://t.co/qmhqMuHvH3 | @nicholasmfraser et al | #scipub #openscience
RT @L_Brierley: Our response to #COVIDー19 has hinged on preprints unlike ever before. Stats on content, timing, access, changes, perception…
Really cool research by @nicholasmfraser @L_Brierley @Dey_Gautam @jessicapolka @mate_palfy & @JACoates91 👇 https://t.co/G6yNlThdv9
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
Wow, this trend was already clear, but it's nice to have some numbers on it now. 16,000 articles related to COVID-19 have been released over the last 4 months, almost 40% of them on pre-print servers https://t.co/3tj2WgNGWK
RT @familyunequal: Some amazing findings in this paper by Fraser et al (incl @jessicapolka): https://t.co/cMHXFq2HwM First, massive body o…
RT @familyunequal: Some amazing findings in this paper by Fraser et al (incl @jessicapolka): https://t.co/cMHXFq2HwM First, massive body o…
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @SPARC_EU: New paper - Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic. https://t.co/qio3q0WKDs
RT @SPARC_EU: New paper - Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic. https://t.co/qio3q0WKDs
New paper - Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic. https://t.co/qio3q0WKDs
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…
A not yet peer reviewed preprint about the role of preprints during the #COVID19 pandemic. #journalism #media #SciComm https://t.co/fczaBoYD50
Preprinting a Pandemic: the Role of Preprints in the COVID-19 Pandemic https://t.co/r35g9nOGpP
RT @JACoates91: 1/11 This @biorxivpreprint is the result of a joyous collaboration with @Dey_Gautam @jessicapolka @nicholasmfraser @L_Brier…
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/utSIjd80hB
RT @L_Brierley: Our response to #COVIDー19 has hinged on preprints unlike ever before. Stats on content, timing, access, changes, perception…
RT @GaetanBurgio: Role of #preprints in #COVID19 pandemic => "Our results highlight the unprecedented role of #preprints & #preprint server…
Preprinting a pandemic: the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic
RT @L_Brierley: Our response to #COVIDー19 has hinged on preprints unlike ever before. Stats on content, timing, access, changes, perception…
RT @MaroeskaRovers: Very nice overview of Covid-19 preprints. They seem to have less figures/tables than non Covid-19 preprints, and the C…
RT @L_Brierley: Our response to #COVIDー19 has hinged on preprints unlike ever before. Stats on content, timing, access, changes, perception…
RT @JACoates91: 1/11 This @biorxivpreprint is the result of a joyous collaboration with @Dey_Gautam @jessicapolka @nicholasmfraser @L_Brier…
RT @L_Brierley: Our response to #COVIDー19 has hinged on preprints unlike ever before. Stats on content, timing, access, changes, perception…
Our response to #COVIDー19 has hinged on preprints unlike ever before. Stats on content, timing, access, changes, perception and more in this thread of main findings from our own preprint:
RT @cshperspectives: Great study on preprints in the #COVID19 pandemic, showing they're 40% of the literature, widely shared, shorter, & mo…