RT @mentju4: @COVIDSelect crucial missing recipients: shibo jiang & maria bottazzi. also, get his comms with the authors of this fraudulen…
RT @mentju4: @COVIDSelect crucial missing recipients: shibo jiang & maria bottazzi. also, get his comms with the authors of this fraudulen…
RT @mentju4: @COVIDSelect crucial missing recipients: shibo jiang & maria bottazzi. also, get his comms with the authors of this fraudulen…
RT @mentju4: @COVIDSelect crucial missing recipients: shibo jiang & maria bottazzi. also, get his comms with the authors of this fraudulen…
RT @mentju4: @COVIDSelect crucial missing recipients: shibo jiang & maria bottazzi. also, get his comms with the authors of this fraudulen…
@COVIDSelect crucial missing recipients: shibo jiang & maria bottazzi. also, get his comms with the authors of this fraudulent preprint on pangolins. https://t.co/wRUPPRZKlw https://t.co/i1WgrhNFFm
RT @CD57227: @simon_schama Don't forget pangolin origins of SARS-CoV-2: written by scientists https://t.co/J1s38bsmt7 Here is the paper (pr…
@simon_schama Don't forget pangolin origins of SARS-CoV-2: written by scientists https://t.co/J1s38bsmt7 Here is the paper (preprint) . https://t.co/F21oradV9W
Has @PeterHotez called @edwardcholmes anti-science yet for questioning pangolins as the origin of SARS-CoV-2? https://t.co/J1s38bsmt7 https://t.co/vxAZM1gm5Q
RT @HL3133: The middleman!
The middleman!
@lissnup @HL3133 @AntGDuarte @emilyakopp @torptube He was at Baylor with P. Hotez, who was reviewer on the unpublished pango preprint here https://t.co/MslqT1BWbg https://t.co/4CPNF1kPNO
RT @mentju4: @MonaRahalkar @gdemaneuf he wrote this around the same time. (reviewed by hotez, lol) https://t.co/wRUPPRZKlw https://t.co/5X…
RT @mentju4: @MonaRahalkar @gdemaneuf he wrote this around the same time. (reviewed by hotez, lol) https://t.co/wRUPPRZKlw https://t.co/5X…
@MonaRahalkar @gdemaneuf he wrote this around the same time. (reviewed by hotez, lol) https://t.co/wRUPPRZKlw https://t.co/5XXn7uYDER
@MonaRahalkar He worked on that preprint with Nadim Ajami (najami), for which he produced the pangolin sequences, which he reconstructed from metagenomic data from Liu et al. https://t.co/U6cbs3DyYG https://t.co/VZAym3phvi
@Ayjchan The Pangolin CoV RBD was identified (at trace level) in one of just 3 datasets analyzed in the whole of NCBI. Not only that, but found just a week or so after the SRA data was released. https://t.co/ORlsLl3bWL https://t.co/5HyTD4vYGO
RT @Rossana38510044: This is a complicated and curious story. This preprint of the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Feb 17th 2020) https:/…
@Ayjchan With Wong et al preprint out 13/2/2020 https://t.co/SvedEeYu73
RT @Rossana38510044: This is a complicated and curious story. This preprint of the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Feb 17th 2020) https:/…
RT @stuartjdneil: I might be missing the point here, but apparently re-analysing someone else's datasets and (shock horror) communicating w…
RT @Rossana38510044: This is a complicated and curious story. This preprint of the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Feb 17th 2020) https:/…
RT @Rossana38510044: This is a complicated and curious story. This preprint of the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Feb 17th 2020) https:/…
RT @Rossana38510044: This is a complicated and curious story. This preprint of the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Feb 17th 2020) https:/…
RT @Rossana38510044: This is a complicated and curious story. This preprint of the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Feb 17th 2020) https:/…
RT @Rossana38510044: This is a complicated and curious story. This preprint of the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Feb 17th 2020) https:/…
@stuartjdneil @lab_leak @Vivantive @ydeigin @DecrolyE And here a little story how they were discovered, by doing data mining as DRASTIC 😂 https://t.co/JSxafq7MRR
This is a complicated and curious story. This preprint of the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Feb 17th 2020) https://t.co/AUijet6DlA refers to this preprint from Wong et al. (Feb 13th 2020) https://t.co/ro0YiNrlsh
@LatestKruger Pangolins and COVID-19 https://t.co/h5uRZZ8QCC
@DeckardJodi @nut_tugger @jsmith4966 Pangolin recombination origin for the virus. It may not occur in any other corona virus that we know of, but we don’t know all Corona viruses and this still doesn’t show where that insertion would have originated if it
For the nerds: https://t.co/3O8N6kRyjc
@ClausDrastrup1 NNSF, CN, the PLA, and others were all involved in studying various SL-CoV from bats in Yunnan for years, as shown in the acknowledgements. Here's another thread, (better) showing insertion of AA sequence that does not appear in the clade
RT @fxfader: There is a peculiar sequence of amino acids in SARS-CoV2 that is missing from RaTG13, pangolin virus. "PRRA" shown in the…
There is a peculiar sequence of amino acids in SARS-CoV2 that is missing from RaTG13, pangolin virus. "PRRA" shown in the top row of pic. Note that "nCoV-2019" is another name for SARS-CoV2. Source: (biorxiv[dot]org) https://t.co/pRy0lfx3yh https://
RT @Rossana38510044: The Proximal paper refers also to a second pre-print https://t.co/ro0YiNrlsh published the same day MP789 was deposite…
The Proximal paper refers also to a second pre-print https://t.co/ro0YiNrlsh published the same day MP789 was deposited in GenBank, on the 13th February 2020 https://t.co/P3aajeTr0Q This pre-print analyzes also the data from Liu and reports once more the s
RT @BNF75: Genomic analyses of #nCoV2019 determined a 96% resemblance with a #Coronavirus isolated from a #bat in 2013 (RaTG13); however, t…
@anderssandberg @Vectoor @AnaGrouv That all seems right to me, though I think the jury is still out on how exactly the Horsehoe bats -> Masked palm civets -> Sunda pangolins -> humans (if that is really the mechanism) came into contact with each o
Evidence of recombination in coronaviruses implicating pangolin origins of nCoV-2019. https://t.co/Ulv2NscYRK https://t.co/kccpuAyXjX
The paper “Evidence of recombination in coronaviruses implica...” (https://t.co/OfBKgeeQEA) has been reviewed by a set of automated tools; find the results of the analysis here: https://t.co/9tcVJMg8ky. We detected 0 of 5 rigor criteria and 5 key resources
There are 83 papers on biorxiv, hundreds of not thousands of foremost experts and nobody, apart from Nerdhaspower, asks: if the no1 suspect of engineering this virus released this unknown sequence of a virus nobody has to prove natural origin, IS IT REAL?
RT @DimensionC: @JerryDunleavy @RitaPanahi Perhaps @samstein can explain how the furin cleavage sequence PRRA was inserted into the SARS-CO…
@RolandBakerIII @ClausDrastrup1 Also, look at this study, a source used in my successful Wikipedia post in the Reservoir section for SARSCoV2. This group names RaTG13 as found in 2013, besides the great discoveries they made in pangolins. https://t.co/O5n
@JCPEREZCODEX on est pas suffisamment calés en la matière mais on a vu passé celui-ci, qui va dans votre sens. https://t.co/cNWpXXyQhB https://t.co/s4S1hlDLAC
RT @__ice9: @csentropy I think it is most likely a natural hybrid formed by coinfection of a pangolin with a bat coronavirus and a pangolin…
RT @__ice9: @csentropy I think it is most likely a natural hybrid formed by coinfection of a pangolin with a bat coronavirus and a pangolin…
@csentropy I think it is most likely a natural hybrid formed by coinfection of a pangolin with a bat coronavirus and a pangolin coronavirus. SARS-CoV-2 Spike looks like pangolin coronavirus Spike proteins. The rest looks like a bat coronavirus. https://
@WilliamYang120 "RaTG13 is the most closely related coronavirus genome to nCoV-2019, however other viral strains may have contributed to its genomic content" - Though a preprint, this Texas team studied early on pangolin involvement and put it into perspec
@theadel1234 @asmaapadawy بعض المراجع بأمكانك الرجوع لها https://t.co/oagqoJrDiz https://t.co/pu7bkVTazy https://t.co/jH1eoNCNSE https://t.co/3ook8ADWsP https://t.co/Bknl8H9ou4
RT @GeoTwit4: @arzubarsk @RandallBurt5 @trvrb @K_G_Andersen @arambaut https://t.co/IcCVcWVPOd reviews the studies of the intermediary hosts…
RT @AprilValgreen: por eso y muchas cosas más, por favor LÁVENSE SUS PINCHES MANOS y eviten salir si pueden. Lxs tqm. Aquí les dejo las fue…
por eso y muchas cosas más, por favor LÁVENSE SUS PINCHES MANOS y eviten salir si pueden. Lxs tqm. Aquí les dejo las fuentes que usé: Li et al https://t.co/qcmHcZfKxM Wong et al https://t.co/kLquI45ZRa Zhang et al https://t.co/DK9Apsueyw
@DrWhen2 作者并没有说SARS-CoV-2是穿山甲来的,结论是在穿山甲里能找到"SARS-CoV-2-like CoVs"。而且这个结论在学术界已经"晚"了一个多月https://t.co/8GMuZ28Ybg https://t.co/PpFDKWQueQ
@Alexander_Lees Same analysis and results as in this paper (which seems a bit easier to understand also) https://t.co/rCFOlbOIKI
@curse_marked @socialAk47 No it didn't. The CCP covered it up and retaliated against the first whistleblowers. Moreover, the CCP has created the conditions for this outbreak through its facilitation of the utter capitalist despoilation of ecosystems and w
Evidence of recombination in coronaviruses implicating pangolin origins of nCoV-2019 https://t.co/WvLjLfJQlu
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
RT @maud_ConBio: Want to cure (https://t.co/omjQRdFbxD), or even avoid (https://t.co/16znTr5NC8) a pandemic? Stop destroying Nature! Is the…
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
Somehow I missed this pre-print when it first came out. Looks like the missing piece was indeed a pangolin. https://t.co/NZEfQ86Cbb
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
@HudaBintAbdulla وأيضا قد يكون حدث خلط جيني (homologous recombination) بين كورونا هذا الحيوان pangolin وكورونا الخفافيش من خلال تغذية حيوان pangolin على قذارات الخفاش التي تحتوي على فايروس سارس كورونا 2 أثناء بحثه عن النمل تفاصيل أكثر في هذا المقال http
#COVID19 fascinating stuff.
medRxiv & bioRxiv: Evidence of recombination in coronaviruses implicating pangolin origins of nCoV-2019: A novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) was the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness detected in Wuhan, Hubei… https://t.co/jZ4k4Ifjny #coronavirus
RT @alphankit: Hypothesised that the Bat Coronovirus recombined with a Pangolin Coronavirus before affecting humans. Intruguing! @HamiltonM…
Hypothesised that the Bat Coronovirus recombined with a Pangolin Coronavirus before affecting humans. Intruguing! @HamiltonMorris @NachiketGod https://t.co/QlM8fZFcuc
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
RT @HamiltonMorris: @partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin…
@partevirtual It's hypothesized that SAR-COV-2 may have originated in a bat coronavirus that recombined with a pangolin coronavirus before being transmitted to humans, the two intermediary hosts are arranged in a biohazard symbol. The tweet is a joke, natu
Want to cure (https://t.co/omjQRdFbxD), or even avoid (https://t.co/16znTr5NC8) a pandemic? Stop destroying Nature! Is the revenge of the #pangolin (or wildlife - https://t.co/mxZ0pMgyPi), a.k.a #coronavirus, an opportunity to wake up and learn from our mi
Evidence of recombination in coronaviruses implicating pangolin origins of nCoV-2019 | bioRxiv https://t.co/ss96IsyIs6
@elEconomistaes ¡Qué pena más grande se llevará cuando sepa que el pangolín no fue el vector del COVID19! Menudo cuento se monta: Español noticia: https://t.co/5DPHrA6dtH Inglés investigación científica: https://t.co/lzZI1xJ7SO
RT @Vleges: @IbrahimovicDD No es por tirar toda tu imaginación abajo ni mucho menos defender a un gobierno comunista. Pero con total seguri…
@IbrahimovicDD No es por tirar toda tu imaginación abajo ni mucho menos defender a un gobierno comunista. Pero con total seguridad se sabe que el virus no se originó en China, más bien, fue por primera vez detectado allí. Tampoco fue creado. https://t.co/n
@DrOz is incorrect. He suggests a human and "animal" exchanged fluids and the viruses "merged". The way the #COVID19 likely developed is from recombination between a bat and pangolin coronavirus. https://t.co/IfdZoUnsN2
@clif_high For reference https://t.co/GYrThh8XKU
@clif_high #COVID2019 Not a bio weapon https://t.co/GYrThh8XKU
RT @GeoTwit4: @arzubarsk @RandallBurt5 @trvrb @K_G_Andersen @arambaut https://t.co/IcCVcWVPOd reviews the studies of the intermediary hosts…
@arzubarsk @RandallBurt5 @trvrb @K_G_Andersen @arambaut https://t.co/IcCVcWVPOd reviews the studies of the intermediary hosts of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, all peer-reviewed. https://t.co/DuNKFUcuEv and https://t.co/iJpoVPr8RN are not yet peer-reviewed, but th
RT @recherche_anima: #Covid19👾 #coronavirus: Oui, les analyses génomiques du #nCoV ont déterminé une ressemblance de 96% avec un coronaviru…
@robertson_lab We have tried to just keep the pangolin in the discussion as a "part of the family" in "some way." Convergent evolution does make sense. The most intermediate host will most likely not be found, or for some time, but look at divergence too!
RT @recherche_anima: #Covid19👾 #coronavirus: Oui, les analyses génomiques du #nCoV ont déterminé une ressemblance de 96% avec un coronaviru…
RT @recherche_anima: #Covid19👾 #coronavirus: Oui, les analyses génomiques du #nCoV ont déterminé une ressemblance de 96% avec un coronaviru…
RT @recherche_anima: #Covid19👾 #coronavirus: Oui, les analyses génomiques du #nCoV ont déterminé une ressemblance de 96% avec un coronaviru…
#Covid19👾 #coronavirus: Oui, les analyses génomiques du #nCoV ont déterminé une ressemblance de 96% avec un coronavirus isolé chez une #chauvesouris en 2013. MAIS le schéma de liaison au récepteur #RBM nous oriente plutôt vers le #pangolin 🤔 https://t.co/O
@elconfidencial Muy tranquilizador no es https://t.co/dyXSDFMSJA
Potential pangolin origin for nCoV-19 aka Sars CoV -2 https://t.co/21IypnXb32
@R_H_Ebright Check this out (yes, verrry carefully). We just need to find the missing codon producing motif. https://t.co/7kPjPydb8C